someone has joined your party !

Personal Data: UNKNOWN NAME
(level 41 wizard)
sub class (knight)

HP: ████ 148 / 260
MP: ██████ 229 / 359
XP: ███ 4583 / 10932

Gender: ------
Age: 25 [052099]
Status: Alive - Needs healing
Race: Human (mixed asian)
Alignment: 9w1 Chaotic Neutral
Star Sign: Taurus

A complicated human who hides his somber past behind an outlandish, ambivalent mask of a gambling knight. He seems seemingly indifferent to the plights of others, although, when push comes to shove, he will go to extraordinary lengths to see things through. The rest of the time he seems to rather be carried by his free spirit. A master of restorative and offensive magic, with access to wind and instant death spells; His weapons of choice consist of swords, bows, and staves.

QUOTE: As soon as people start getting too big for their boots, any sense of decency they might once have had starts to fester and decay.

NOTE: In general, it seems his primary alias is "slimestack" though he refuses to tell his actual name to anyone he isnt close to.